Enhancements to Word Lists
Creating Word Lists and Sharing Word Lists, when combined with Flash Cards and Quizzing, are our most popular full member features. Today, we added a minor enhancement to creating word lists and a new shared word list of our own.
Creating word lists that are sorted by date
You can now create word lists that sort the word list by the date the words were added to the word list. This is in addition to the previous options of alphabetically or custom ordered word lists. When you view your word lists that are sorted by date, the word list will show the date each word was added to the word list. This may come in handy, for example, if you are teaching (or taking) a sign language class and you want your word list to reflect WHEN the words (signs) were introduced.
What was the Sign of the Day yesterday?
Part of the reason we added the new word list ordering option is so we could add a Sign of the Day word list. This new shared word list shows all of the signs of the day since the Signing Savvy site launched. This is a feature that a number of you have asked for. We are happy to be able to make it available to full members. This is one shared word list that you may want to bookmark.