Word List: BOOK: American Sign Language 1 (By Brenda Cartwright)
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ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 1 - Conversational Signs - ALL
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 1 - Conversational Signs - Introductions
(as in "a greeting")
(as in "I met")
(as in "they met")
(as in "what is this")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 1 - Conversational Signs - Conversational Basics
(as in "cannot see")
(as in "a hearing person")
(as in "ok or alright")
(as in "a reaction to information")
(as in "take a class")
(as in "a group of students taught together")
(as in "course of study in school")
(as in "secondary focus of study")
(as in "to write or list alphabet letters")
(as in "to say yes to someone")
(as in "to say no to someone")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 1 - Conversational Signs - Silent Classroom
(as in "a writing instrument")
(as in "a group of words or a punishment")
(as in "furniture")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 1 - Conversational Signs - Greetings/Leave-Takings
(as in "something you say at night or at bedtime")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 2 - Family and Friends - ALL
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 2 - Family and Friends - Nouns
(as in "male parent")
(as in "female parent")
(as in "male grandparent")
(as in "female grandparent")
(as in "male spouse")
(as in "female spouse")
(as in "male sibling")
(as in "female sibling")
(as in "a very young child")
(as in "male cousin")
(as in "female cousin")
(as in "either male or female cousin, gender neutral")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 2 - Family and Friends - Descriptive Adjectives
(as in "age")
(as in "youthful")
(as in "relating to a person")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 2 - Family and Friends - More Family & Friends Vocabulary
(as in "pass away")
(as in "to show love")
(as in "an individual")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 2 - Family and Friends - Some Useful Verbs
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 2 - Family and Friends - Day, Week, Month, Year
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 2 - Family and Friends - Days of the Week
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 2 - Family and Friends - Months
(as in "the month")
(as in "the month")
(as in "the month")
(as in "the month")
(as in "the month")
(as in "the month")
(as in "the month")
(as in "the month")
(as in "the month")
(as in "the month")
(as in "the month")
(as in "the month")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 2 - Family and Friends - Age
(as in "age")
(as in "me")
ASL I - BC - Lesson 2 - Family and Friends - Pronouns - Singular Pronouns
ASL I - BC - Lesson 2 - Family and Friends - Pronouns - Plural Pronouns
ASL I - BC - Lesson 2 - Family and Friends - Pronouns - Singular Possessive Pronouns
(as in "showing ownership")
(as in "you possessive")
(as in "the possessive use of him")
(as in "the possessive use of her")
(as in "the possessive use of it")
ASL I - BC - Lesson 2 - Family and Friends - Pronouns - Plural Possessive Pronouns
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 3 - Feelings & Question Words - ALL
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 3 - Feelings & Question Words - Expressing Feelings
(as in "have an emotion or to touch")
(as in "mad")
(as in "angry")
(as in "loony or mad")
(as in "to like something")
(as in "feel in need of rest")
(as in "tired")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 3 - Feelings & Question Words - Actions
(as in "to coax or prod")
(as in "tears running down a face")
(as in "to motivate")
(as in "to hate something or someone")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 3 - Feelings & Question Words - Question Words
(as in "what do")
(as in "to ask for an update")
(as in "the amount or size of something non-countable")
(as in "to say yes to someone")
(as in "to say no to someone")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 3 - Feelings & Question Words - Number Signs
(as in "the sign hundred isolated")
(as in "the sign thousand isolated")
(as in "the sign million isolated")
(as in "the sign billion isolated")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 4 - School - ALL
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 4 - School - Schools
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 4 - School - School Subjects
(as in "the language")
(as in "the language")
(as in "the subject")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 4 - School - Math Vocabulary
(as in "math addition")
(as in "deduct an amount")
(as in "the mathematical concept")
(as in "the mathematical concept")
(as in "the total in math")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 4 - School - Reading & Writing
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 4 - School - Class Vocabulary
(as in "job")
(as in "type on a computer")
(as in "concerning or regarding")
(as in "difficult")
(as in "the opposite of fail")
(as in "to get an F grade")
(as in "action of grading something")
(as in "devote time and attention on something")
(as in "lesson")
(as in "a quiz or test")
(as in "prepared for action")
(as in "conversation or to speak")
(as in "educate")
(as in "accurate or right")
ASL I - BC - Lesson 4 - School - Negation
(as in "to like something")
(as in "expression of future tense")
(as in "to be able or permitted to do something")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 5 - Your Home - ALL
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 5 - Your Home - Your Home
(as in "next door")
(as in "location of something")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 5 - Your Home - Parts of a House
(as in "a division of a building")
(as in "verb, to cook")
(as in "downward")
(as in "a physical area or place")
(as in "a corner")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 5 - Your Home - In The Home
(as in "furniture")
(as in "to call someone by phone")
(as in "to call me by phone")
(as in "Teletypewriter")
(as in "Telecommunication Device for the Deaf")
(as in "to call someone by TTY")
(as in "to call me by TTY")
(as in "the type of light that comes from a lamp")
(as in "dresser drawer")
(as in "to find something")
(as in "to lose something")
(as in "to show up")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 5 - Your Home - Descriptors
(as in "large or big horizontally")
(as in "the size of something, it is small or little")
(as in "to clean; cleaning in general")
(as in "age")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 5 - Your Home - Colors
(as in "the noun, a color or colors")
(as in "the color")
(as in "the color")
(as in "the color")
(as in "the color or the fruit")
(as in "the color")
(as in "the color")
(as in "the color")
(as in "the color")
(as in "the color")
(as in "the color")
(as in "the color")
(as in "the color")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 5 - Your Home - Modal Verbs
ASL I - BC - Lesson 5 - Your Home - Misc
(as in "when explaining a body of text")
(as in "the punctuation mark")
(as in "the abbreviation for company")
ASL I - BC - Lesson 5 - Your Home - Time
(as in "on time")
(as in "ante meridiem")
(as in "post meridiem")
(as in "evening")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 6 - Physical Appearances - ALL
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 6 - Physical Appearances - Body Types
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 6 - Physical Appearances - Race and Ethnicity
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 6 - Physical Appearances - Artifacts on the Body
(as in "any eyeglasses")
(as in "contact lens")
(as in "to use or utilize")
(as in "any shirt")
(as in "an article of clothing")
(as in "generic gloves")
(as in "the type of clothing")
(as in "article of clothing")
(as in "a pair of socks")
(as in "article of clothing")
(as in "women's one piece swimsuit")
(as in "women's two piece swimsuit")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 6 - Physical Appearances - Descriptions of Hair
(as in "hair on the head")
(as in "curly hair")
(as in "straight hair")
(as in "wavy hair")
(as in "the type of haircut")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 6 - Physical Appearances - Miscellaneous
(as in "looks")
(as in "something similar to something")
(as in "except")
ASL I - BC - Lesson 6 - Physical Appearances - Height & Weight
ASL I - BC - Lesson 6 - Physical Appearances - Personal Pronouns Incorporating Numbers
ASL I - BC - Lesson 6 - Physical Appearances - Descriptions Look Like (LOOK ALIKE) and Look Strong (RESEMBLE)
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 7 - Food - ALL
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 7 - Food - Drinks & Beverages
(as in "drink something")
(as in "the noun 'milk'")
(as in "the liquid")
(as in "soda")
(as in "the soft drink")
(as in "the soft drink")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 7 - Food - Condiments
(as in "the spice")
(as in "the food")
(as in "tasting")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 7 - Food - Meats
(as in "the animal or food")
(as in "the animal or the food")
(as in "the animal")
(as in "the animal or food")
(as in "a type of meat")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 7 - Food - Fruits and Vegetables
(as in "the vegetable")
(as in "the vegetable")
(as in "the fruit")
(as in "the fruit")
(as in "the fruit")
ASL I - BC - Lesson 7 - Food - Fractions
(as in "the amount, 1/4")
(as in "the amount, 1/3")
(as in "the amount, 1/2")
(as in "the number or amount and when counting")
ASL I - BC - Lesson 7 - Food - Self Pronouns
(as in "third person singular male pronoun")
(as in "third person singular female pronoun")
(as in "third person plural")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 8 - Food Continued - ALL
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 8 - Food Continued - Desserts
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 8 - Food Continued - Sides & Snacks
(as in "something like salad dressing")
(as in "fried potato chunks")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 8 - Food Continued - Food Preparation
(as in "verb, to cook")
(as in "to create")
(as in "fried potato chunks")
(as in "cut up food")
(as in "to pour something")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 8 - Food Continued - Dinnerware
(as in "a sharp tool")
(as in "for drinking, a glass or container")
(as in "a dish")
(as in "a unit of measure")
(as in "a unit of measure")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 8 - Food Continued - Miscellaneous Food Vocabulary
(as in "to eat")
(as in "food remaining")
(as in "more of something")
(as in "the unit of measure")
(as in "run out of or use up")
(as in "a large amount")
ASL I - BC - Lesson 8 - Food Continued - Measurements
(as in "the unit of measure")
(as in "a unit of measure")
(as in "a unit of measure")
(as in "a unit of measure")
(as in "unit of measurement")
(as in "unit of measurement")
(as in "unit of measurement")
ASL I - BC - Lesson 8 - Food Continued - Plurals & ASL Concepts
(as in "run out of or use up")
(as in "washing your face")
(as in "washing the dishes")
(as in "washing hands")
(as in "the action")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 9 - Time - ALL
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 9 - Time - Time
(as in "on time")
(as in "the unit of time")
(as in "close to time")
(as in "a day")
(as in "all night")
(as in "entire")
(as in "all night")
(as in "used to or in the past")
(as in "near future")
(as in "done")
(as in "going to be late")
(as in "a length of time- concise or brief")
(as in "occasionally")
(as in "to put forth effort")
(as in "a unit of time")
(as in "the duration of time")
(as in "currently or even now")
(as in "containing nothing")
(as in "in the more recent past- a few minutes ago, a short time ago, or a little while ago")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 9 - Time- Numeral Incorporation
(as in "last week")
(as in "2 weeks in the past")
(as in "3 weeks in the past")
(as in "4 weeks in the past")
(as in "5 weeks in the past")
(as in "6 weeks in the past")
(as in "7 weeks in the past")
(as in "8 weeks in the past")
(as in "9 weeks in the past")
(as in "1 week in the future or next week")
(as in "2 weeks in the future")
(as in "3 weeks in the future")
(as in "4 weeks in the future")
(as in "5 weeks in the future")
(as in "6 weeks in the future")
(as in "7 weeks in the future")
(as in "8 weeks in the future")
(as in "9 weeks in the future")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 10 - Conversational ASL - ALL
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 10 - Conversational ASL - Conversational ASL
(as in "talk")
(as in "bring to me")
(as in "conversation or to speak")
(as in "to inquire or ask a question to someone")
(as in "ask a question")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 10 - Conversational ASL - Commands
(as in "a command")
(as in "to have an audience stand up")
(as in "furniture")
(as in "to stop")
(as in "come on or come here")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 10 - Conversational ASL - Directional Verbs
(as in "move to a new location")
(as in "go away or gone away")
(as in "to come, come back, or come here")
(as in "send to someone")
(as in "something that illustrates something")
(as in "to show something")
(as in "someone's name")
(as in "someone helping someone else")
(as in "someone helping me")
(as in "you helping someone")
(as in "tell me")
(as in "to tell someone")
(as in "to yell at me")
(as in "to yell at someone")
(as in "to pay me")
(as in "to pay someone")
(as in "to inform me")
(as in "inform one person")
(as in "inform multiple people")
(as in "giving something to me")
(as in "giving something to somebody")
(as in "to rely on someone else")
(as in "to rely on me")
(as in "to correct or critique someone")
(as in "to correct or critique me")
(as in "to summon someone else")
(as in "summon me")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 10 - Conversational ASL - Verbs Incorporating Location
(as in "go away or gone away")
(as in "move side to side or here to there")
(as in "bring to me")
(as in "to come, come back, or come here")
(as in "to walk")
(as in "to fly in an airplane somewhere")
(as in "to drive a vehicle")
(as in "moving quickly on feet, faster than walking")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 11 - Shopping - ALL
(as in "an ad or promotion")
(as in "interest on money")
(as in "amount owed")
(as in "the act of constructing something")
(as in "a large man-made structure")
(as in "to drive a vehicle")
(as in "coins")
(as in "alter, adapt, or adjust")
(as in "cost or expense for something")
(as in "gather up")
(as in "receive")
(as in "weighty")
(as in "credit card")
(as in "a method of payment")
(as in "a postage stamp")
(as in "a ticket for admission or other entitlement")
(as in "a savings account")
(as in "to save something or keep secure")
(as in "not harmed")
(as in "burglary")
(as in "purchase")
(as in "the act of going to a store to buy goods")
(as in "a place to buy things")
(as in "bank account or to store")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 12 - The Great Outdoor - ALL
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 12 - The Great Outdoor - Animals
(as in "the animal")
(as in "the insect")
(as in "the animal")
(as in "the animal")
(as in "the animal")
(as in "the animal")
(as in "the animal")
(as in "the insect")
(as in "the type of insect")
(as in "the animal")
(as in "the animal")
(as in "the animal")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 12 - The Great Outdoor - Nature Concepts
(as in "the action - to pet something")
(as in "a domesticated animal")
(as in "the verb 'feed the animals' and the noun 'give the horse her feed'")
(as in "the noun, something that grows")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 12 - The Great Outdoor - Weather
(as in "temperature")
(as in "temperature hot")
(as in "weather or low temperature")
(as in "raining or rainy; the precipitation")
(as in "time of year")
(as in "the season")
(as in "the season")
(as in "the season")
(as in "the season")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 12 - The Great Outdoor - The Earth
(as in "the noun, something that grows")
(as in "the plant")
(as in "our home planet")
(as in "a famous person")
(as in "opposite of out")
(as in "opposite of in")
(as in "outside of something")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 13 - Work / Careers - ALL
(as in "to give advice to someone")
(as in "the United States")
(as in "origin from America")
(as in "arresting someone")
(as in "make a drawing")
(as in "a place of worship")
(as in "to preach to someone")
(as in "the verb- to dance, or the noun- a social gathering where you dance")
(as in "a school administrator")
(as in "a type of automobile")
(as in "job")
(as in "a person who leads")
(as in "terminate")
(as in "to set something down or to setup")
(as in "verb, to cook")
(as in "the cold virus")
(as in "a pause")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 14 - Transportation & Travel - ALL
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 14 - Transportation & Travel - States & Cities
(as in "the state")
(as in "the capital city of Georgia")
(as in "independent city of Maryland")
(as in "the capital city of Massachusetts")
(as in "the state")
(as in "the windy city")
(as in "the largest city in Michigan")
(as in "the city in Michigan")
(as in "the capital of Michigan")
(as in "the city in Michigan")
(as in "the state")
(as in "the state")
(as in "the city in New York")
(as in "the largest city in Pennsylvania")
(as in "the city in Pennsylvania")
(as in "the state")
(as in "the U.S. capital")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 14 - Transportation & Travel - Travel
(as in "separate or cause to separate")
(as in "destruction or collapse")
(as in "the form of transportation")
(as in "a form of transportation")
(as in "a generic airplane")
(as in "underground train")
(as in "to cancel something")
(as in "quick")
(as in "rapidity of movement or action")
(as in "one of")
(as in "to touch someone or something")
(as in "journey")
(as in "to walk")
(as in "depart")
(as in "depth")
(as in "a long distance")
(as in "to miss someone")
(as in "to pack a bag")
(as in "a bag you carry")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 14 - Transportation & Travel - Directions
(as in "depart")
(as in "the direction")
(as in "distant")
(as in "shut")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 14 - Transportation & Travel - 50 States
(as in "the state")
(as in "the state")
(as in "the state")
(as in "the state")
(as in "the state")
(as in "the state")
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(as in "the state")
(as in "the state")
(as in "the first president of the United States of America")
(as in "the state")
(as in "the state")
(as in "the state")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 15 - Relationships & Sports - ALL
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 15 - Relationships & Sports - Relationships
(as in "a social or romantic event")
(as in "reconcile")
(as in "an appointment")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 15 - Relationships & Sports - Sports
(as in "moving quickly on feet, faster than walking")
(as in "a spherical object you play with")
(as in "the sport")
(as in "the game of softball")
(as in "the sport")
(as in "the sport")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 15 - Relationships & Sports - Body Parts
(as in "part of the body")
(as in "the body part")
(as in "the body part")
ASL 1 - BC - Lesson 15 - Relationships & Sports - Other Useful Signs
(as in "a general challenge")
(as in "to stand up")
(as in "to lose a game")
(as in "to achieve a prize, trophy, or victory; or to achieve the first place in a competition: to win")
(as in "private, classified, or secret")
(as in "relating to yourself")
(as in "not strong")
(as in "to play a game or play with something or play around")