Signing Children’s Books: The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry and THE BIG HUNGRY BEAR
This article is part of our “Signing Children’s Books” series, which highlights children’s books and pairs them with pre-built Signing Savvy word lists to help you get started with learning and signing the vocabulary in the book. Reading and literacy is so important. By sharing these pre-built word lists, we hope to cut down on prep time for families that are just beginning to learn ASL and hope you can find more comfort in sharing literacy with our young deaf children.
The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry and THE BIG HUNGRY BEAR is another really cute book by Don and Audrey Wood that has become a classic in children's literature. Its amazing illustrations, coupled with its simple vocabulary, and the fun concept of a cute little mouse thinking of ways to hide this big beautiful strawberry from a big hungry bear, makes it irresistible for young readers.
Extension Activities
Concepts that can be expanded and covered from this book range from math and science to language and cooking.
- Math: Talk about math concepts by discussing how to cut the strawberry in half, thirds, quarters etc. (or create an activity using paper or real strawberries and let the kids divide them).
- Language: Talk about ways to disguise something.
- Science: Discussions and activities involving the senses (look, hear, smell, taste, touch). For example, discuss how the bear could smell the strawberry hidden in the woods.
- Cooking: There are many different tasty recipes involving strawberries on Pinterest. I choose to make chocolate brownies with chocolate covered strawberries as my baking activity and the children loved them. They also liked the activity of cutting the strawberries in half using butter knives and drizzling the melted chocolate over the top of the strawberries and brownies! It's a simple yet delicious way to celebrate the book!
If you are looking for ideas for more extension ideas, check out the Scholastic book guide for the book. There are also a lot of ideas that go with the book on Pinterest. Check them out and have fun!
Get the Pre-Built Word List for this Book!
I hope through The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry and THE BIG HUNGRY BEAR word list you will feel confident to share this story with your children. You can also bring up signs on the Signing Savvy Member App using the pre-built word list as you go through the book.
Word List for The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry and THE BIG HUNGRY BEAR
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