WARNING: Since you are not logged in with an approved teacher account, the template below is just an example. It does not contain a valid promotion code.
We are using Signing Savvy, a sign language dictionary and learning resource, in our ASL course. It is a great resource where you can look up words and see sign videos and you can also create your own word list of signs or view word lists I have created to aid in your studying.
The Signing Savvy website is: https://www.signingsavvy.com
You can look up individual sign videos and watch links to videos that I send you for free. However, getting membership through Signing Savvy will make it so you never have to see any ads, and gives you unlimited access to many features that will help you in studying and practicing ASL on your own. Some of the things you can do with membership include:
Signing Savvy has awarded me a teacher account, which gives me a special promo code to share with you for 20% off of their membership.
Use my email address below in the promo code field for 20% off membership:
If you have any questions or need any help with Signing Savvy, you can contact their support team at https://www.signingsavvy.com/contact
I will be sharing more information about how we are using Signing Savvy in our class in the coming days.
Thank you,