Vote or pass gas?
Seeing that we are in midst of the election season, I thought it would only be fitting to share a non-partisan sign language story that should give you a good chuckle as you enter your local voting precinct.
This story relates directly to how signs can have very similar hand shapes and very similar movements BUT can have very different meanings just because of a few subtle changes! For example, see the similarity between the signs for vote and fart.
This experience happened to me in my first year of teaching in the public school system in rural Michigan. It was Election Day, and like many public buildings, the school was being used as a voting precinct. Because of this, the cafeteria was set up with tables and voting booths and the children had to eat their lunches in the classrooms. I knew by the tilting of their little heads and the look of wonder in their eyes when I explained to my two young kindergarten students, that they clearly had no clue what I was explaining to them about voting and elections, and why they weren’t eating their lunch in the normal location.
I decided that after lunch, on our way down to their mainstream classroom, I would take advantage of this teachable moment and show them the cafeteria all set up and the people in the booths voting.
As I opened the door to the cafeteria (filled with many elderly folks both working the election and voting themselves) and did some explaining, I thought I saw the light come on in one of my student’s eyes; at which time she said (with very clear speech and sign), “So all these old people are here farting!” Thankfully half the people in the room were hard of hearing themselves and didn’t hear my student’s perception of what was happening in the room! I laughed so hard I cried! To this day whenever I walk into the voting booth I think about that former student and her confusion of the two signs and their very different meanings! (I also wonder just how many people do walk in the voting booths, close the curtains and fart…sorry…I just do!)
Savvy User JaniceTuesday, November 27, 2012
This story made me laugh, too. It reminded me of something that happened in a Sign Language class I was taking. One of the students, an older woman, was explaining to the teacher that she was late because she had to stop at the gas station. But she confused the sign for "gas" with the sign for "poop," and the teacher's eyes widened as he thought she was sharing with him a "personal hygiene" problem that wasn't quite appropriate. Several of us, realizing what she meant, burst out in laughter and quickly corrected the misunderstanding, but her face stayed quite red for a long time! I'll bet she never mixes up those two signs again!! Neither will I!!