Why Not to Buy Manual Alphabet Cards from Peddlers
I was approached by a deaf person with manual alphabet cards. Should I buy one?
Peddlers who pass out cards with the manual alphabet like to frequent high traffic places like airports and coffee shops and cafes in big cities. Peddlers appear to be uneducated, unskilled and unemployable — a victim of society. In truth, some of these peddlers are very clever. By preying on gullible hearing people, a successful peddler can earn quite a bit!
The majority of Deaf people are hard-working taxpayers who bitterly resent the stereotype that these peddlers perpetuate. For years Deaf people have spent time and energy educating the public and trying to undo negative, demeaning perceptions of the Deaf. Most damaging is the fear that strikes the heart of a mother or father whose child has just been diagnosed as deaf and thinks “Is my daughter or son going to become one of t-h-e-m?”
There is a big difference between buying something for a set price from someone selling products on the street and being pursued by a peddler and psychologically pressured into “paying the price you think it is worth.” ABC cards are not a legitimate product. They are a gimmick. Selling them is a con game. Kind hearted hearing people who really want to learn the manual alphabet to communicate with Deaf people should not have to pay through the nose for it. If you truly want to “help deaf people” there are many good ways to do it:
- Buy a ticket to a Deaf theater performance.
- Contribute to a Deaf school fundraiser.
- Buy books by Deaf authors.
- Buy art by Deaf artists.
Sadly, many of these “deaf” peddlers aren’t even deaf. They’re hearing people faking deafness. As proven time and time again when a person approaches them and asks in fluent American Sign Language (ASL), “Why are you doing this?” Watch them make a quick escape!
Resources and Related Books:
- Gannon, Jack R. (1981, June 1). Deaf Heritage: A Narrative History of Deaf America. National Association of the Deaf.
- Moore, Matthew S. & Levitan, Linda. (2016, January 1). For Hearing People Only: Answers to Some of the Most Commonly Asked Questions about the Deaf Community, Its Culture, and the "Deaf Reality". Deaf Life Press.
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Savvy User sharmanThursday, June 5, 2014
I was offered one of these cards while riding the subway many years ago. I had no idea I was supposed to pay for it. When I didn't offer the woman any money, she snatched the card out of my hand. Oh well. Years later, I decided to take a sign language class at my community college. Although by no means an expert signer, I have enjoyed learning the signs and about deaf culture. I also love receiving this magazine in my email.
Thanks for lettimg me know that most of the peddlers are scammers. I will pass the info to my friends.